Good evening JRCSD Community,
I would like to invite you all to the 2022 State of the District on Thursday, November 17th, at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be held in the CHS Library Classroom and will be broadcast via Zoom.
While we have had success with State of the District videos over the past few years, we wanted to take an opportunity to return to a live and interactive format. This format will allow you to ask questions to school and district leaders after hearing a presentation.
I plan on covering a wide range of topics through the lens of our recently approved Multi-Year Plan. I also plan to touch on key educational, co-curricular, facilities, communications, and other initiatives throughout the district. A preview of the upcoming budget season will also be a topic of discussion.
If you are interested in attending via Zoom, here is the information/link:
ID: 867 5316 6638
Password: 916559
For anyone unable to attend, we will record the meeting and put it up on our YouTube page.
Have a good night,
Reuben Duncan
JRCSD Superintendent